There’s nothing better on a hot summer’s day than a deliciously cool and refreshing treat. However, most store bought varieties are full of refined sugars and artificial colors and flavors. So how do you find a treat to beat the heat and keep your health in mind at the same time? Look no further than our Strawberry Mango Yogurt Popsicles! These icy treats are not only scrumptious, but also packed with real food ingredients that can support your wellness goals!

Strawberry Mango Yogurt Popsicles

Growing up, summertime meant hours spent outside and the excitement of hearing the “Dickie Dee” bell off in the distance. (If you didn’t grow up in Canada, a Dickie Dee Cart was basically an oversized tricycle with an ice cream freezer attached to the front.)  The countdown was then on to find mom, ask if we could please, please, PUHLEAZE get a treat (often accompanied by the promise to do various chores) and finally scrounge up enough money before the “Dickie Dee” boy came peddling his icebox of treats down our street.

I’m still a sucker for a frozen treat, but I’ve found that with just a few simple ingredients, I can create these Strawberry Mango Yogurt Popsicles and have a better for me version of my childhood faves that even Mom wouldn’t say no to.

The Real Food Ingredients

The Power of Strawberries:

First up, we have strawberries! I try to budget for organic berries, as they are high in pesticides when grown conventionally. These little red wonders are not only a delicious but also offer a host of health benefits. The bright red color of the berries means that they are a good source of flavonoid polyphenols, chemical compounds in plants that are responsible for a whole host of benefits, including acting as antioxidants and being anti-inflammatory[1]. Strawberries are also rich in vitamin C, which plays a vital role in supporting a healthy immune system. Research suggests that vitamin C may also help reduce inflammation in the body, which is a common concern for those with autoimmune conditions [2]. Plus, strawberries are a great source of dietary fiber, promoting healthy digestion and balanced blood sugar levels [1]. By using the whole fruit, instead of fruit juice, we can take advantage of the benefits of fiber.

Marvelous Mangoes:

Next on our list of delicious ingredients are mangoes! Bursting with tropical goodness, mangoes are not only a sweet but a nutritional powerhouse boot! These golden fruits are rich in vitamins A and C, which are both essential for immune function and maintaining healthy skin. Mangoes also contain those unique compounds called polyphenols, which possess anti-inflammatory properties.[1]

Creamy Coconut Yogurt:

Coconut yogurt is a fantastic dairy-free alternative that offers a wealth of benefits. For individuals with autoimmune concerns, avoiding dairy is often recommended, as it can be a potential trigger for inflammation. Coconut yogurt provides a creamy and delicious base without the inflammatory effects of dairy [3]. Most store bought brands contain some kind of thickener in the form a starch (like tapioca starch) or a gum. Gums can cause digestive symptoms in some people. If you don’t tolerate gums, you can make your own coconut yogurt at home. You can check out THIS site for information on how to make your own coconut yogurt.

The Deal With Sugar

You might be wondering about the sugar in the fruit and maple syrup. We know sugar is inflammatory and, yes, this includes the sugar in fruit and natural sweeteners. But, by using real food sources of sugar, we are also getting all the vitamins, minerals and fiber (in fruit) that are needed to not only slow the absorption of the sugar into our bloodstream, but also necessary for us to properly metabolize the sugar. Refined sugar is stripped of all these nutrients. 

You can choose to forgo the maple syrup completely. Mango, in particular, is a very sweet fruit and just may provide enough sweetness on its own (especially if you don’t regularly eat a lot of sweets)! Let your tastebuds be your guide!

Mix It Up!

Don’t be afraid to mix up your fruit choices! Maybe try blueberries and strawberries for a patriotic 4th of July popsicle!

These Strawberry Mango Yogurt popsicles not only provide a refreshing treat on a warm day but also offer valuable nutrients to support your wellness. Remember, finding the right nutrition and lifestyle plan is key to managing autoimmune conditions effectively.

If you’re seeking personalized guidance and support in your autoimmune wellness journey, we’re here to help! At Evergreen Wellness Academy, we specialize in supporting individuals with autoimmune diseases so they may take charge of their health. We help you find the missing pieces of your wellness puzzle by offering personalized nutrition and lifestyle plans tailored to your unique needs. Don’t go it alone—let us be your partners in finding vibrant health and vitality.

Explore our website at and discover how we can support you on your path to wellness. Together, we can unlock the full potential of your health!

Strawberry Mango Yogurt Popsicles

A delicious way to cool down on a hot day! These popsicles are AIP friendly, gluten and dairy free and free of refined sugars and artificial colors. Summertime on a stick!
Prep Time 20 minutes
Freezing TIme 6 hours
Total Time 6 hours 20 minutes
Course Dessert, Snack, Treats
Servings 8 popsicles
Calories 98 kcal


  • 1 Blender or Food Processor
  • Measuring Spoons
  • Measuring cups
  • 8 Popsicle Molds
  • Butter Knife


  • 3 cups Strawberries, fresh, hulled and chopped Use organic if possible
  • 3 cups Mango, fresh, cubed
  • 2 tbsp Maple Syrup
  • 2/3 cup Coconut Yogurt, vanilla or plain See Recipe Notes



  • Puree strawberries in a blender or food processor with 1 tablespoon of maple syrup. Set aside.
  • Puree mango in a blender or food processor with 1 tablespoon of maple syrup. Set aside.


  • Line up popsicle molds so they are standing upright.
  • Using the following measurements, layer the ingredients into the mold:
    2 teaspoons of strawberry puree, followed by 1 teaspoon of yogurt, followed by 2 teaspoons of mango puree
  • Continue to layer until popsicle mold is almost full (remember to leave a little room so that you can swirl the contents with a knife and have room for the popsicle stick).
  • Run a dull knife up and down the side of the mold to create the swirl. Tap mold to release any air bubbles.
  • Insert stick/handle and place in the freezer for at least 6 hours or overnight.


  1. Most brands of vanilla flavored coconut yogurt will have some cane sugar in them for sweetness. If you'd like to avoid the refined sugar, create your own by purchasing plain coconut yogurt and add a bit of vanilla and maple syrup to it. Alternatively, you can just use the plain yogurt.
  2. To make the popsicle easier to release from the mold, you can run the mold under warm water briefly.
  3. Get creative! Switch up the fruit to create your own version of these treats! Consider blueberries and strawberries for a patriotic July 4th popsicle! 
*Adapted from a recipe by Living Proof Teaching Kitchen
Keyword aip, dairyfree, glutenfree, Mango, Popsicle, Strawberry


  1. Murray, M., Pizzorno, J. & Pizzorno, L. (2005). The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods. (1st ed.). Atria Books
  2. Carr, A. C., & Maggini, S. (2017). Vitamin C and immune function. Nutrients, 9(11), 1211. doi:10.3390/nu9111211
  3. Costa, G. S., Alves, A. F., & Andrade, L. N. (2021). Inflammatory and metabolic health effects of yogurt and fermented milks: Mechanistic insights. Food Research International, 140, 109909. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2021.109909